by Mr. Gaurav Vohra*![]() Yoga is not just stretching your hands and limbs or getting out on the mat to get a flat stomach. Yoga is a Science and an ancient discipline emphasizing the understanding and practice of morals and ethics, developing awareness and control of the physical body, emotions, mind and interpersonal relations. Today, Humanity is at the crossroads, despite all the achievements and scientific advancements, in the last few decades, we still need to evolve psychologically and spiritually. Today in this world of consumerism, we are becoming more and more unconcerned, insensitive, apathetic, cruel and brutal in almost all aspects of living and thus have lost the fragrance of life. Yoga brings back the sense of Synthesis, Fruition and Happiness. The teachings of Yoga help us inculcate values of love, harmony, integrity, and respect for others over the negative tendencies of hatred, recriminations, violence, disintegration and corruption.
Yoga means the Union with Infinite. The goal of Yoga is to realize the cosmic unity in oneself every moment and radiating harmony, peace and happiness in surroundings. It is a science of self-knowledge and awareness of the body, understanding of energy level which rules the body functions, also a study of mind and higher levels on consciousness and deeper logics of nature and universe. Here are some ways to extend your practice: 1. Take Action and be truthful Time and Situations keeps changing sometimes good and sometimes bad. We should be prepared to take positive and regular actions in life and not let the problems over rule. Yoga teaches to take full responsibility of own actions in life so that you are inspired to embrace the truth in everything that you do, not to lie even where it might be the easiest way to come out of uncomfortable situation. 2. Understanding the Body The practice of Yoga postures helps us understand our body, pushing ourselves out of comfort zones, noticing what hurts and till where we feel good and can stretch the body. In life also develop, nourish your associations and let go of them consciously if it starts to pain. 3. Conscious breathing Breathing is an important part of Yogic practice, rather it is the most important part of our existence too. One feels the breath in a camel posture or a headstand, like you can feel in moments of anxiety, anger and unpleasant situations, just focussing on the breathing with awareness will push you through these difficult moments. 4. Discipline A car with wobbling steering, uneven tire pressure or a loose break can make your ride dangerous, but a discipline of keeping it well-tuned and regular maintenance gives you freedom. Making Yoga as a part of your daily schedule and following this like a discipline/ routine can play a huge role in healthy lifestyle and being happy. 5. Open to change/ transformation Yoga journey is about self-discovery and transformation. Where the Physical benefits may be easily visible, one should be ready to cultivate and experience the changes at the higher levels of consciousness. 6. Available for others Giving your time and be available for society brings a lot of satisfaction and happiness. Yoga brings that attitude of selfless service and a sense of being useful for others. 7. Being Mindful Holding a Bow posture and being aware of the stretch is good, but it’s a good idea to extend this awareness to our dining plates. Being mindful of what we eat, the taste, the texture of the food, rather every activity we do during the day. 8. Gratitude and Gratefulness An attitude of thankfulness for our life, breathe, sunshine, our family members and all those who contribute for our happiness. Yoga practice brings feeling of appreciation for the present moment- the good and the bad, the joy and the suffering, opening up the wellspring of gratitude that already resides in us. *The Writer is a Yoga Guru and a Teacher of Indian Culture at High Commission of India, Nicosia. He holds a post-graduation in Yoga and Management. He travels around the island talking and teaching about various aspects of Yoga and related disciplines. He is been instrumental in opening up Yoga Clubs in schools, universities, municipalities and organizing various events to promote Indian Culture. He can be reached on +357-96492297 and [email protected]. Comments are closed.
October 2024